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Studio MGM (Video & DVD)

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Carbon Copy


Format Fullscreen Actor George Segal    Category Comedy

Sean Connery 007 Collection: Volume 2


Format Widescreen    Category Action



Format Widescreen Actor Amy Irving    Category Family and Kids

Casino Royale


Format Widescreen Actor David Niven    Category Comedy

The Sure Thing


Format Widescreen Actor John Cusack    Category Comedy

Run Silent, Run Deep


Format Fullscreen Actor Clark Gable    Category Classics

De-Lovely: The Cole Porter Story


Format Widescreen Actor Kevin Kline    Category Drama

James Bond Ultimate Edition - Vol. 4


Format Unknown Actor Bernard Lee    Category Action

Hotel Rwanda


Format Widescreen Actor Don Cheadle    Category Drama

Southern Comfort


Format Widescreen Actor Keith Carradine    Category Drama

The World Is Not Enough


Format Widescreen Actor Pierce Brosnan    Category Action

52 Pick-Up


Format Fullscreen Actor Roy Scheider    Category Suspense

Take the Money and Run


Format Fullscreen Actor Woody Allen    Category Comedy

Navy Seals


Format Widescreen Actor Charlie Sheen    Category Action

Good Times


Format Widescreen Actor Sonny Bono    Category Classics

A Song is Born


Format Fullscreen Actor Danny Kaye    Category Classics

Fiddler on the Roof


Format Blu-ray Actor Frey Topol    Category Musical Blu-Ray

Rocky V


Format Widescreen Actor Sylvester Stallone    Category Drama

Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods


Format Fullscreen Actor Richard Anderson    Category Sci-Fi

Look Back in Anger


Format Widescreen Actor Richard Burton    Category Classics

The Pink Panther


Format Widescreen Actor David Niven    Category Classics

Baby Boom / Mr. Mom (Double Feature)


Format Fullscreen Actor Michael Keaton    Category Comedy

WarGames [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray    Category Sci-Fi Blu-Ray

Flipper - The Original Series, Season 1


Format Fullscreen Actor Luke Halpin    Category TV Series

The Garden of Allah


Format Fullscreen Actor Marlene Dietrich    Category Classics