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Studio New Line Home Entertainment

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


Format Widescreen Actor Elijah Wood    Category Sci-Fi



Format Widescreen Actor Divine    Category Comedy

Blade II


Format Widescreen Actor Kris Kristofferson    Category Superhero

The Butterfly Effect


Format Widescreen Actor Ashton Kutcher    Category Suspense

Final Destination 2


Format Widescreen Actor Cook    Category Horror

Austin Powers In Goldmember


Format Fullscreen Actor Mike Myers    Category Comedy



Format Widescreen Actor Will Ferrell    Category Christmas DVD

Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me


Format Widescreen Actor Mike Myers    Category Comedy

Laws of Attraction


Format Widescreen Actor Frances Fisher    Category Comedy

About Schmidt


Format Widescreen Actor Jack Nicholson    Category Drama