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One to One Bible Reading a simple guide for every Christian


Author David Helm

Format Paperback

Publisher Matthias Media

Category Bible Reference

Can you think of people in your life that you would like to see progress spiritually-perhaps a non-Christian colleague, or a Christian friend at church, or a family member? Here's a way to help them understand more of God in a way that was simple and personal, and that didn't rely on getting them to a church program or event. All this is possible through one-to-one Bible reading.


David Helm

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Matthias Media
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781921441981
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
625149 Very Good Warehouse 65-15-2 $6.99 Add to Cart
3140178 Very Good Fern Park 25-4-1 $6.99 Add to Cart