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Clutter Busting: Letting Go of What's Holding You Back


Author Brooks Palmer

Format Paperback

Publisher New World Library

Category Homekeeping

Piles of junk in garages and closets, overflowing papers on desks, items unused for years, masses of unanswered email, clothing never worn, useless gifts that collect dust — all these things, says Brooks Palmer, come weighted with shame and guilt and have a suffocating effect on spirit and soul. In this insightful book, Palmer shows how to get rid of the things in our lives that no longer serve us. By tossing out these unneeded items, we are also eliminating their negative influences, freeing up energy, and unlocking our potential.Loaded with inspiring anecdotes and practical tips, Clutter Busting is based on the premise that your things are not sacred, but you are. The book explores such fundamental topics as the false identities we assume through clutter, the fear of change those junk piles represent, the addictive nature of holding on to objects, how clearing clutter makes room for clarity and sweeps away confusion and stasis, and much more. With Brooks’s upbeat and compassionate guidance, you’ll find yourself clearing the way for new and exciting things to come into your life.


Brooks Palmer

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-03-01
  • Publisher: New World Library
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781577316596
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3506522 Very Good Fern Park 56-6-2 $7.99 Add to Cart