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Shaping the Journey of Emerging Adults: Life-Giving Rhythms for Spiritual Transformation

Author Richard Dunn

Format Paperback

Publisher IVP Books

Category Christian Living

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Between adolescence and adulthood is a new stage of life: emerging adulthood. Those in their twenties and early thirties find themselves in transition. This "provisional adulthood" is a time of identity exploration and instability in which one's vocation, purpose, relationships and spirituality are all being renegotiated. Many emerging adults lose sight of God and experience significant confusion and brokenness. Others unexpectedly reconnect with the Christian faith and seek deeper discipleship, yet lack helpful mentoring and direction. Veteran disciplemakers Rick Dunn and Jana Sundene offer concrete guidance for those who shepherd and care for emerging adults. Some traditional models of disciplemaking focus on a set curriculum to be transferred from the discipler to the disciplee. Dunn and Sundene instead emphasize relational rhythms of discernment, intentionality and reflection to meet emerging adults where they are at and then to walk with them further into the Christlife. Whether you're an older adult ministering to the next generation or a younger adult with a heart for your peers, this book is an accessible, hopeful guide for effective ministry to emerging adults.


Richard Dunn

Additional Info

  • Publisher: IVP Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780830834693

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