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Know Who You Believe (Know What/Why Series)

Author Paul Little

Format Paperback

Publisher David C. Cook

Category Apologetics

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This updated classic book for all adults takes an honest look at the world and shows that there is something more to life than fleeting happiness that there is a way to live that brings satisfaction at the deepest levels.andquot;Many of you have stood on the perimeter of Christianity and questioned what it is all about. Is it really true? Does it have any pertinence to my life? What happens if I ignore it? Or perhaps you have been discouraged in the past by some ponderous, cliche-ridden explanations. This book, then, is for you. You will find here an authenticity that comes from a man who was unconditionally devoted to Jesus Christ.andquot;- Billy Graham (from the forward)


Paul Little

Additional Info

  • Publisher: David C. Cook
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780781438155

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