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Graceful Evangelism: Christian Witness in a Complex World


Author Frances Adeney

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Academic

Category Evangelism and Missions

The word evangelism evokes strong reactions among Christians. Conflict about what it is, whether to do it, how to go about it, and the desired results divides churches, demonstrating the need for new theologies and methods that address today's religiously pluralistic and secular contexts. This book offers a comprehensive treatment of evangelism, from biblical models to contemporary practice. Frances Adeney shows that understanding different contexts and approaches to evangelism and accepting the views of others on this crucial topic can help replace the "evangelism wars" (social action vs. proclamation) with a more graceful approach to sharing God's good news with the world.


Frances Adeney

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801031854
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1006593 Brand New Fern Park 11-28-2 $19.99 Add to Cart