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Genesis (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series)

Author John Hartley

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Books

Category OT Commentary

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"Professor Hartley, who has already given to the evangelical community stimulating commentaries on Leviticus and Job, has succeeded in extending that contribution by this commentary on Genesis. It is a commentary that is long enough to avoid being superficial, and one that is short enough to make it readable without missing the forest for the trees. Those wishing further discussion than is found in the discussion of the text will find such in the Additional Notes at the end of each section, as well as in the various excursuses scattered throughout the volume. Pastors and Christian Education teachers would be well-advised to make this volume apart of their library."--Victor P. Hamilton, professor of religion, Asbury College


John Hartley

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801046513

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