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Theology As History and Hermeneutics


Author Laurence Wood

Format Paperback

Publisher Emeth Press

Category Theology

This book is a post-critical conversation with modern and postmodern theology. It focuses on the narrative of history and the task of hermeneutics as the means of validating faith as opposed to the verification-epistemology of modern rational objectivism. Paul Ricoeur's philosophy of testimony is preferred as a means of bridging the extremes of modern objectivism and postmodern subjectivism. The contributions of Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann, Marcus Borg, N. T. Wright, J�rgen Moltmann, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Gustavor Guti�rrez, James Cone, Sandra Schneiders, James B. Cobb, Jr., George Lindbeck, Stanley Hauerwas, William Abraham, among others, are considered and evaluated.


Laurence Wood

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Emeth Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975543559
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3086580 Very Good Fern Park 12-8-7 $9.99 Add to Cart