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Rare Earth (Marc Royce)


Author Davis Bunn

Format Paperback

Publisher Bethany House Publishers

Category Christian Fiction

Davis Bunn Strikes Gold Once Again! Marc Royce stares down from the helicopter on the Rift Valley slashing across Africa like a scar. Tribal feuds, drought, anddislocation have left their devastation. And he sees a new wound--a once-dormant volcano oozing molten lava across the drylandscape--and clouds of ash obscure his vision. His undercover assignment is similarly obscured. Supposedly dispatched to audit a relief organization's accounts, Marc finds himself amid the squalor and chaos of Kenyan refugee camps caught in a stranglehold of corruption and ruthlessness.But his true task relates to the area's reserves of once-obscure metals now indispensible to high-tech industry. The value of this rareearth inflames tensions on the world's stage as well as among warring tribes. When an Israeli medical administrator, Kitra, seeks Marc's help with her humanitarian efforts, they forge an unexpected link between impoverished African villages and another Silicon Valley rising in the Israeli desert. Precious metals and inventive minds promise new opportunities for prosperity, secure futures, and protection of valuable commodities from terrorists. As Marc prepares to report back to Washington, he seizes a chance to restore justice to this troubled land.This time, he may have gone too far.


Davis Bunn

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-07-01
  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780764209062
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3169287 Very Good Fern Park 39-2-3 $7.49 Add to Cart