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Finding Contentment (Women of the Word Bible Study)

Author Sharon Steele

Format Paperback

Publisher Gospel Light

Category Bible Study

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Many women�even Christians!�are dissatisfied with their lives. They are strangers to the rich, contented life that Jesus promised to His followers. Through this Women of the Word Bible study, the newest in a series, women will discover that the secret to peace and contentment is knowing and living with Jesus Christ. Finding Contentment introduces readers to the apostle Paul�s life and his letter to the Philippian church�both demonstrate the everyday joy that does not depend on circumstances but on an intimate friendship with the Lord. Eight sessions of Bible study offer such faith building challenges as �Trust in Jesus,� �Overcome Worry,� �Forget the Past� and �Set Proper Priorities.� Readers will get to know Paul and the challenges he faced, dig into the teachings of Scripture about inner peace and reflect on their own struggles with living contentedly. Each session wraps up with action steps for applying to their everyday lives what readers learn from God�s Word. Plus, a brand-new Leader�s Guide is included to facilitate vibrant small-group discussion.


Sharon Steele

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-01-19
  • Publisher: Gospel Light
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780830755837

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