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Hopeless Savages Volume 3: Too Much Hopeless

Author Jen Meter

Format Paperback

Publisher Oni Press

Category Graphic Literature

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This was supposed to be a leisurely vacation. Arsenal Hopeless-Savage has a rematch with an old high school rival in a kung-fu tournament in Hong Kong. She and her brother Twitch figured they could turn it into a nice jaunt with their boyfriends to meet their aging grandmother, a renowned Chinese fortune teller. Too bad Grandma Shi didn't phone ahead to tell them that it was going to be the trip from Hell! It begins at the airport when a shady character slips something into Arsenal's bag, putting the quartet on the radar of the local bad guys, the British secret service, and the Hong Kong police. It becomes even more complicated when the rest of the Hopeless-Savage clan decides to join the middle children in Asia, getting caught up in the international intrigue themselves. Arsenal is the only person that can get them all out of the jam they're in, and for her it's all too much!


Jen Meter

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Oni Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781929998852

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