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Advanced Chemistry in Creation: Second Ed.


Author Jay Wile

Format Hardcover

Publisher Apologia Educational

Category Homeschooling - High School

This chemistry course is designed to be taken after a college-preparatory chemistry course such as Exploring Creation with Chemistry. When both courses are taken, the student is prepared to take the AP (advanced placement) or CLEP (College Level Examination Program) chemistry exam. The course includes detailed discussions of stoichiometry (with limiting reactants), thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, orbital hybridization, molecular orbitals, molecular geometry, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry. The student also receives an introduction to organic chemistry, focusing on the major functional groups, organic nomenclature, and polymer chemistry. There are 28 hours of laboratory exercises in the course, including the rate of an iodine clock reaction, distillation, chromatography, the common ion effect, measuring pH changes in a buffer, the electrolysis of copper sulfate, polymerization experiments, and the hydrolysis of sucrose. The hardcover student text (color illustrations) contains all student material, study questions, laboratory exercises, module study guides, and extra practice problems. Author: Dr. Jay L. Wile Format: Hardback Grade Level: Grades 11-12 Manufacturer: Apologia Educational Ministries Mfg : 9781935495239


Jay Wile

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Apologia Educational
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781935495239
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3520270 Very Good Fern Park 8-9-3 $24.99 Add to Cart