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The Letters to the Seven Churches


Author M. Ramsay

Format Paperback

Publisher Hendrickson Publishers

Category NT Studies

This edited and updated edition of Ramsay's classic work has, except for the omission of a lengthy poem in chapter 14, left the original material intact. The language and style were updated for the modern reader, modern place names were used, and a modern translation is the source of scripture citations. Notes especially have been updated and corrected, and fuller bibliography is provided whenever possible. Photographs and diagrams from the original are retained. Anyone interested in Asia Minor or the book of Revelation will find this resource invaluable.". . . Sir William Ramsay's exposition of the letters to the seven churches of Asia has continued to attract readers for the greater part of a century�?and it is likely to remain of interest well into the next century. As the first Professor of Classical Archaeology at Oxford University, Ramsay pioneered the study of antiquity in what is today western Turkey. He went on to devote the latter part of his life to applying what he had learned to the study of the New Testament in a most fruitful manner. More recent scholars, such as Colin Hemer, have brought Ramsay's research up-to-date in the light of more recent research; however, it is always good to go back to the fountainhead of such a study. Ramsay's work remains a classic in the field and should be a part of every Bible scholar's personal library."�?W. Ward Gasque, Dean of Graduate Studies, Eastern College


M. Ramsay

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781565630598
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3605952 Very Good Fern Park 26-4-2 $9.99 Add to Cart