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God's Way, Not Ours: Isaiah 1


Author Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Books

Category Sermons

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was well known for his New Testament expositions, but in this book readers are given the rare opportunity to experience his skillful exploration of an Old Testament prophetic text. His expositions of Isaiah 1 provide a summary of Isaiahs entire message and of Gods way of salvation. Lloyd-Jones lays out the root cause of human trouble and need, the false ways people try to escape from or meet it, and Gods only way of real deliverance. The books rich content, rooted in Scripture, is evangelistic as well as prophetic. Preachers and Bible teachers will use Gods Way, Not Ours to help them prepare messages and lessons. It also makes excellent devotional reading, combining careful biblical exposition with timeless application.


Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801059957
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
6060854 Very Good Fern Park 11-25-7 $7.99 Add to Cart