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Childrens Books

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The Mandie Collection #3


Format Paperback Author Lois Leppard    Category Jr. Fiction Christian

Grandmother Remembers Songbook


Format Hardcover Author Judith Levy    Category Kids Poetry

Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation


Format Paperback Author Stuart Gibbs    Category Jr. Fiction

My Heart is a Compass


Format null author Otto Kalischer    Category Kids Picture



Format Hardcover Author Alan Gratz    Category Jr. Fiction

This Is Not My Hat


Format Hardcover Author Jon Klassen    Category Kids Picture

Seekers #6: Spirits in the Stars


Format Paperback Author Erin Hunter    Category Jr. Fiction

The Menagerie


Format Paperback Author Tui Sutherland    Category Jr. Fiction

The Ultimate Dinosaur Book


Format Hardcover    Category Kids Facts