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Patrick: Son of Ireland

Author Stephen Lawhead

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher HarperTorch

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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Slave, soldier, lover, hero, saint, -- his life mirrored the cataclysmic world into which he was born. His memory will outlast the ages. Born of a noble Welsh family, he is violently torn from his home by Irish raiders at age sixteen and sold as a slave to a brutal wilderness king. Rescued by the king's druids from almost certain death, he learns the arts of healing and song, and the mystical ways of a secretive order whose teachings tantalize with hints at a deeper wisdom. Yet young Succat Morgannwg cannot rest until he sheds the strangling yoke of slavery and returns to his homeland across the sea. He pursues his dream of freedom through horrific war and shattering tragedy -- through great love and greater loss -- from a dying, decimated Wales to the bloody battlefields of Gaul to the fading majesty of Rome. And in the twilight of a once-supreme empire, he is transformed yet again by divine hand and a passionate vision of "truth against the world," accepting the name that will one day become legend Patricius!


Stephen Lawhead

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-01
  • Publisher: HarperTorch
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780060012823

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