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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess, Third Edition

Author Patrick Wolff

Format Paperback

Publisher Alpha

Category Chess

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Don't make a move without it. Written by a U.S. Chess Champion, International Chess Grandmaster, and longtime instructor, this book includes information for both novice and expert, including over 400 illustrated chessboards and photos; over 20 pages of detailed answer key notes; a completely new chapter on new evidence about chess and its impact on brain power; a guide to the art of chess collectibles; and more.• Foreword by Larry Evans, former International Grandmaster and author of 20 highly acclaimed chess books and a popular monthly advice column in Chess Life• Strong sales for previous editions• For the beginner or the champ, and for young and old• Author has a high profile in the chess community


Patrick Wolff

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-05-03
  • Publisher: Alpha
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781592573165

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