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Trading Applications of Japanese Candlestick Charting

author Gary S. Wagner


Category Investing

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Combines the expertise of a registered commodity broker and a systems analyst to bring readers up to date on candlestick charting methods. Goes a step beyond existing literature to discuss practical applications of this technique and recommended strategies. Integrates candlestick charts with Western technical indicators and trading methods such as stochastics, Elliott Wave, moving averages and oscillators. Features significant treatment of computer analysis of candlesticks. Candlestick charting--the graphic presentation of price and time movements displayed in candlestick format--moves beyond theory into practical strategies for trading equities in both domestic and foreign markets, in this book written by the team who created The Candlestick Forecaster. It offers a thorough introduction to drawing, recognizing, and analyzing candlestick charts, and shows how to make more profitable trading decisions by integrating these charts with the power and precision of Western forecasting tools. 200 charts/tables.


Gary S. Wagner

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780471587286

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