Find Joy in a Busy World by Practicing PatienceA deeper look at an old-fashioned quality. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Patience is a virtue,” and doubtless responded with a sigh, as usually it’s spoken with a tone of reproach. But this virtue carries with it a wealth of wisdom that can actually help us find happiness in our day-to-day. Author M.J. Ryan details just what living with patience can bring to our lives and how it can change us for the better.\nSlow the rush. Things move at a quick pace in our society, in both our work lives and social lives. Not only are we forced to keep up, but we have been conditioned to expect instant gratification. Because of this, we find ourselves getting flustered by the smallest setbacks or hold ups―whether it’s a slow server at a restaurant or rush-hour traffic. Ryan shares how patience is the very antidote to the stress that our fast-paced lifestyle results in.\nReclaim our priorities. By reining in our aggravation when things don’t happen instantaneously, we give ourselves time to breathe and think more clearly. We make better use of our days and allow ourselves to make decisions based on how they align with our priorities, instead of focusing on how fast we can get tasks done. With Ryan’s help, we can learn to foster a patient outlook and find joy and fulfillment in the present moment.\nThis book by M.J. Ryan is a fulfilling and beneficial self-care gift for women and men everywhere. Throughout it, she offers readers:\n\nStraightforward, believable instructions for developing a habit of patience\nA source of stress-relief and guide to happier living\nWays to find peaceful moments amidst the hustle and bustle that each day brings\n\nReaders of Present Over Perfect, When Less Becomes More, The Joy of Missing Out, and Stillness is Key will enjoy M.J. Ryan’s The Power of Patience.
Ryan, M.J.
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- ISBN: 9781573245999
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