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Matthew Arnold (Oxford Poetry Library)


author Matthew Arnold


Category Poetry

The Oxford Poetry Library series offers compact and fully annotated editions of some of the most important and best-loved English poets. Drawing on the acclaimed texts of the Oxford Authors series, these collections provide a generous selection of the verse of figures as diverse as Andrew Marvel and Alexander Pope, Matthew Arnold and Ben Jonson. Ideal for anyone interested in the eloquently wrought observations and thought of some of the English language's greatest writers, The Oxford Poetry Library should find a welcome place on the bookshelves of all lovers of literature. Matthew Arnold, a leading Victorian man-of-letters, was interested in many of the social issues of his time and was renowned as the foremost social critic of his day. The poignant, elegiac tone of his work is the authentic hallmark of his poetic gift. This selection includes some of his best-known classics--"Dover Beach," "The Scholar Gipsy," "Mycerinus," and the Marguerite poems--as well as many less familiar works.


Matthew Arnold

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780192822734
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2162822 Good Warehouse 56-17-8 $6.99 Add to Cart