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Coaching the Mental Game: Leadership Philosophies and Strategies for Peak Performance in Sports--and Everyday Life

author H. A. Dorfman


Category Sports Misc.

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Whoever claims winning isn't everything obviously has not spoken with an athletic coach.Coaching the Mental Game offers coaches of all sports a definitive volume for effectively understanding an athlete's mental awareness, which in turn will help drive success. Author H.A. Dorfman details appropriate coaching strategies aimed at perfecting the player's mental approach to performance.Coaching the Mental Game will become the Bible for coaches who strive to make their athletes the most complete performers possible. Not only a wonderful asset to athletic coaches, this book will also prove to be a motivational resource for workers in all industries as well as in the game of life.


H. A. Dorfman

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9781589792586

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