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God's Big Picture: Finding yourself in God's plan


author LaDonna Osborn


Category Christian Living

Although the Bible is a multi-faceted book, written over a period of 2000 years by more than 40 different authors, it contains a remarkably simple message of God's redemption plan for people that is commonly known as the gospel. Once you understand the overarching message of the gospel, you can then discover your own unique purpose as you learn how to live as the unique person God has created you to be. \nIn God's Big Picture, Dr. LaDonna Osborn paints a verbal portrait of redemption, a panoramic view of the progressive story of God's plan for humanity, comprised of four biblical events: \n1. Creation - God created us. \n2. Deception - Satan tried to destroy us. \n3. Substitution - Jesus redeemed us. \n4. Restoration - We are restored to God. \nPopular, trendy teachings come and go. Only the gospel of Christ's redemption produces enduring change in human lives. Once you understand these four redemptive truths, you will develop the confident and consistent faith in God that produces balanced and successful Christian living as you fulfill His purpose for your life.


LaDonna Osborn

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780879431143
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6003397 Very Good Fern Park 13-7-6 $6.99 Add to Cart