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What Matters Most: A 2-in-1 Collection: Shadow Chasing and Laughter in the Rain

author Debbie Macomber


Category Romance Fiction Mass Market

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Available in one volume for the first time: Shadow Chasing and Laughter in the Rain, two of Debbie Macomber's classic novels that explore true love and life's most pleasant surprises. Shadow Chasing: With only seven days to unwind in the sun-drenched splendor of Mexico, Carla Walker isn't expecting to find "Mr. Right." Then she meets Philip Garrison. But when Carla finds out that Philip is a cop--just like her father--she's devastated. She has always vowed to stay away from police officers and the tumultuous lifestyle that comes with them. Despite their chemistry, and Philip's persistence, Carla ends the fling. Only when she returns home to Seattle does Carla realize that it hadn't just been the tropical sun that set her blood afire; it had been Philip. Now she wants him back, but is Carla willing to compromise on her biggest deal-breaker for true love? Laughter in the Rain: Abby Carpenter longs for the type of romance she's read about in books. She loves her volunteer work teaching English and has had a steady casual relationship with warm and trustworthy Logan Fletcher for years, but something is missing. Then along comes Tate Harding, the unpredictable, impractical--and very exciting--handsome stranger she meets in the park. Abby is confronted with real passion--but is she willing to risk her relationship with Logan, who has always been steadfast in his commitment? When faced with an ultimatum, Abby must choose between security and a whirlwind, novel-worthy romance.


Debbie Macomber

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780593496183

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