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Past Master (Ace Science Fiction Special, H-54)

author R. A. Lafferty


Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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First Edition of Lafferty's First Novel!The golden planet of Astrobe, made in the image of Utopia, now faced a crisis which could destroy it forever; and yet, no one could understand it:In a world where wealth and comfort were free to everyone, why did so many desert the golden cities for the slums of Cathead and the Barrio? Why did they turn away from the Astrobe dream and seek lives of bone-crushing work, squalor and disease?The rulers of Astrobe didn't know, so they sought in mankind's past for a leader who could give them the answers. They brought to life the one man out of history who would most want to destroy Astrobe!


R. A. Lafferty

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780441080540

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