In a country that proclaims to value diversity and multiculturalism, white Americans and white culture frequently are under siege for a host of transgressions, ranging from colonialism to slavery, Jim Crow laws to racism, and from microaggressions to white privilege. Whites often are expected to "shut up," own their presumed racism, and feel guilty for the wrongdoings of others who simply belonged to their racial group. The author calls these attacks "White shaming," and using contemporary examples, argues that White shaming is a form of bullying. The bullying reflects shamers' unacknowledged hostility and prejudice toward Whites, as well as shamers' need to feel morally superior (aka: virtue-signaling) and their ignorance of world history and other cultures. The author is a professor of psychology who has studied myriad topics related to race/ethnicity and inter-ethnic relations for over 30 years. In White Shaming, he takes on university professors, media pundits, and politicians by scrutinizing cases of White shaming. He argues that White shaming does little to unite a diverse country and instead, inflames racial animosity, foments racial distrust, and pits non-Whites against Whites amid a never-ending list of grievances. Readers will appreciate the author's relatively objective and scholarly treatment of the subject and most importantly, his exposé of the hypocrisy of White shaming. He delineates ways to confront and combat White shaming with an eye toward improving race relations and restoring civility and respect in public discourse on matters of race, diversity and social justice.
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- ISBN: 9781792407857