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The Elements of Black and White Printing

author Carson Graves


Category Photography Instruction

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Whether you are a novice or an expert in the darkroom, the second edition of The Elements of Black-and-White Printing will give you the tools necessary to control your print making. You will learn the proper techniques for exposing a print, how to choose the correct paper contrast, and ways to find the best combination of paper and developer for your images. In addition to explaining the procedures, this unique book contains exercises that help you calibrate these procedures with your own equipment with the materials you prefer. Photographers will find this book an essential resource in the darkroom. Elements of Black-and-White Printing will help you learn how to choose the right exposure and contrast for your negative; select papers, developers, and toners that complement each other; print negatives with extreme contrast ranges; salvage seemingly hopeless negatives and prints; print, develop, and store negatives and prints for maximun life; display your photographs in a way that enhances their message; properly align your enlarger; and more. New material on darkroom safety and working with chemicalsAddresses practical concerns of photographers who are using complex mixturesSafe disposal methods for darkroom chemicals and wastes


Carson Graves

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780240803128

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