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Collecting Phil Spector: The Man, the Legend, and the Music

author John J. Fitzpatrick


Category Music Misc.

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The most comprehensive guide yet published to the work & music of Phil Spector - rock & roll's greatest producer. Includes complete U.S. & U.K. discography, plus international discography of Spector releases with picture sleeves & albums suitable for collecting. Extensive bibliography of books & articles relating to Phil Spector & his major artists: including Ronnie Spector, the Ronettes, the Crystals, Darlene Love, Tina Turner, the Righteous Brothers, John Lennon, George Harrison, the Ramones, Cher, & Jerri Bo Keno. Hardback only, with more than two hundred photographs on top quality paper, including eight pages of full color. Huge discography of Spector soundalikes from the U.S. & Europe, & extended review of the rarest Spector records. Also includes section on care & preservation of collectible records.


John J. Fitzpatrick, James E. Fogerty

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  • Format:
  • ISBN: 9780962244605

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