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Samurai - Code Of The Warrior


Author Thomas; Ito

Format Hardcover

Publisher Barnes & Noble

Category Asian History

From the Publisher The samurai were the most skilled elite group of combatants the world has ever seen. Their name means "one who serves." Years of training, discipline, and self-sacrifice combined with advanced weaponry and unprecedented tactical acumen created a force unmatched over centuries of Japanese history. Samurai explores the essence, truth, and wisdom of these remarkable warriors. It features renowned samurai warriors, their weapons, armor, and military strategies and illuminates their unwavering Bushido philosophythe strict code of honor requiring absolute loyalty to their master above all else, and ritual suicide in preference to dying a dishonorable death. This book explores the spirit, body, and minds of these sublime paladins who long ago passed into legend, but still live on today.


Thomas; Ito, Tommy Louis

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Barnes & Noble
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780760784020
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
6041630 Very Good Fern Park 51-19-2 $7.99 Add to Cart