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Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God who cares? Yes. Here's proof.

Author Dinesh D'Souza

Format Hardcover

Publisher Tyndale House Publishers

Category Apologetics

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For a lot of people, the biggest question about God is not, surprisingly enough, whether he exists. Instead, it is about whether God is truly good. Dinesh D’Souza, in his debates with leading atheists, quickly realized that many of his debates revolved around the question of evil in this world and how God could create a world that allowed such suffering and evil. In Godforsaken, Dinesh D’Souza takes these questions head on: Does God act like a tyrant? Is God really responsible for the evil in this world? Why is there suffering in the world? For the first time ever, Dinesh D’Souza approaches this topic with historical and scientific proof and presents to the reader why God is truly worthy of our worship and love.


Dinesh D'Souza

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-02-17
  • Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781414324852

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