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Glad News! God Loves You, My Muslim Friend

Author Samy Tanagho

Format Paperback

Publisher Authentic Media

Category Evangelism and Missions

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The author integrates all of the positive teachings in Islam (concerning the Christian faith and Jesus Christ) to help Muslims believe the Gospel and to see the divinity of Jesus Christ and the salvation He wants Muslims to experience. The book highlights parallel passages in the Qur’an and the Bible about the person of Jesus Christ, such as His unique sinlessness and His unique virgin birth. The supernatural attributes of Jesus actually compel the conclusion that Jesus is more than a prophet! Throughout the book the author presents God’s marvelous, unconditional love for the reader and how God longs for a personal relationship with us based on grace and not on human works or rituals. Glad News! is written to the Muslim reader. It establishes common ground, using their own beliefs as stepping stones to the Gospel and uniqueness of Jesus.


Samy Tanagho

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-09-01
  • Publisher: Authentic Media
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781884543913

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