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Will God Heal Me?: Faith in the Midst of Suffering

Author Ron Dunn

Format Hardcover

Publisher Multnomah Books

Category Evil and Suffering

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What does it mean when God seemingly chooses to heal some illnesses but not others? Why is it that some people pray in faith, believing, but the suffering continues? Author Ron Dunn tackles these difficult, real-life issues, proposing that the ultimate issue is not our healing, but our faith in God's will for us, that we may learn to trust Him fully, whichever way His sovereignty may lead. Will God Heal Me? ministers to everyone who faces a frightening illness or prolonged suffering, and to all who have a family member or friend facing the same.


Ron Dunn

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1997-05-01
  • Publisher: Multnomah Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781576731000

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