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Every Woman's Battle Workbook: How to Guard Your Heart and Mind Against Sexual and Emotional Compromise

Author Shannon Ethridge

Format Paperback

Publisher WaterBrook Press

Category Christian Living

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The only way you as a woman can survive the intense struggle for sexual integrity is by guarding not just your body, but your mind and heart as well. Every Woman’s Battle can help you learn to do that. And this companion workbook will help you apply what you learn to achieve authentic joy and fulfillment in every area of your life.In these practical and biblical lessons–easy to use by individuals or groups in 12 sessions–you’ll be equipped to:·Understand the four unique components of female sexuality·Discern the eight common myths that keep you standing in the line of fire·Design a new defense to protect every aspect of your life·Cultivate an unimaginable level of intimacy with your husband or husband-to-be


Shannon Ethridge

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2003-07-15
  • Publisher: WaterBrook Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781578566860

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