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The Game-Changer: How You Can Drive Revenue and Profit Growth with Innovation

Author Lafley

Format Hardcover

Publisher Crown Business

Category Management

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We live in a world of unprecedented change and increasing global competitiveness. Innovation in this world is the best, arguably the only, way to win. Innovation is the job of everyone in a leadership position and the integral, central driving force for any business that wants to grow organically and succeed on a sustained basis. Through eye-opening stories, Procter & Gamble CEO Lafley and management consultant Charan show how P&G and companies such as Honeywell, Nokia, LEGO, GE, HP, and DuPont have become game-changers.--From publisher description.



Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2008-04-08
  • Publisher: Crown Business
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780307381736

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