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Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business

Author David Mamet

Format Hardcover

Publisher Pantheon

Category Film Culture and History

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Playwright and screenwriter Mamet gives us a subversive inside look at Hollywood from the perspective of a filmmaker who has always played the game his own way. Who really reads the scripts at the film studios? How is a screenplay like a personals ad? Whose opinion matters when revising a screenplay? Why are there so many producers listed in movie credits? And what do those producers do, anyway? Refreshingly unafraid to offend, Mamet provides hilarious, surprising, and bracingly forthright answers to these and other questions about virtually every aspect of filmmaking, from concept to script to screen. He covers topics ranging from "How Scripts Got So Bad" to the oxymoron of "Manners in Hollywood." He takes us step-by-step through some of his favorite movie stunts and directorial tricks, and demonstrates that it is craft and crew, not stars and producers, that make great films.--From publisher description.


David Mamet

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-02-06
  • Publisher: Pantheon
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780375422539

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