Keys to understanding our shrinking worldA generation ago almost everyone a Christian encountered went to church or at least knew he or she should. Today, with the world at America's doorstep, evangelical Christians more than ever need to understand their neighbors and their changing beliefs.The Compact Guide to World Religions is a complete, easy-to-use handbook of the origins, basic beliefs, and evangelistic challenges and opportunities of the world's major religions in clear, easy-to-use chapters and charts."This book is a storehouse of information, the most insightful and practical guide I have seen on this subject. It is a rich resource for every Christian who seeks to communicate effectively in a maze of worldviews."Ravi Zacharias, President Ravi Zacharias International Ministries"The Compact Guide to World Religions brings together some of the best apologetics material available anywhere. This is a great help to those of us committed to carrying out the Great Commission."Franklin Graham, President Samaritan's Purse"Cultural diversity is the mark of every large city all over the world. The time has come when those who would better understand their neighbors need a primer on world religions. The Compact Guide to World Religions not only details the beliefs and practices of non-Christians but offers clear pointers on witnessing, inviting you to respectfully communicate with people of each religion h
Dean Halverson
Additional Info
- Release Date: 1996-03-01
- Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9781556617041
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