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Troy C. 1700-1250 BC (Fortress, 17)

Author Nic Fields

Format Paperback

Publisher Osprey Publishing

Category Military Reference

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Hisarlik is a small place, a sandy stone strewn hillock cut up into gullies and hummocks. Yet its historical significance is immense, for this is the site of Troy - the legendary city whose story sprawls across cultures, time and geography. The tale of the siege of Troy is the greatest secular story ever told, and has captured the imagination of the Western World for some 3,000 years. Although there are many difficulties in using Greek myths, oral traditions and the Homeric epics to reconstruct the Trojan War, this title uses the latest archaeological evidence to reconstruct in detail the fortifications of Troy as well as making more general observations about the possible historical events behind the epics of Homer.


Nic Fields

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-01-22
  • Publisher: Osprey Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781841767031

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