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Chicken Soup for Little Souls The Never-Forgotten Doll (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

Author Lisa McCourt

Format Hardcover

Publisher HCI

Category Kids Picture

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Miss Maggie, the best babysitter ever, tells Ellie, The story that follows, about the beautiful china doll Miss Maggie loved and lost long ago, fills Ellie with ideas. How better to show Miss Maggie how much she loves her than to find a way to get the precious, never-forgotten doll back into Miss Maggie's arms? This intergenerational story of determination and sacrifice shows little souls everywhere that with the power of love behind them, any goal is within their reach.


Lisa McCourt

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1997-06-01
  • Publisher: HCI
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781558745070

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