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An Infamous Army: A Novel of Wellington, Waterloo, Love and War

Author Georgette Heyer

Format Paperback

Publisher Sourcebooks Landmark

Category Romance Fiction

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On the eve of battle, passions are running high...A brilliant achievement...vivid, accurate, dramatic...the description of Waterloo is magnificent.-DAILY MAILMy favorite historical novelist.-MARGARET DRABBLEIN THE SUMMER OF 1815, with Napolean Bonaparte marching down from the north, Brussels is a whirlwind of parties, balls and soirees. In the swirling social scene surrounding the Duke of Wellington and his noble aides de camp, no one attracts more attention than the beautiful, outrageous young widow Lady Barbara Childe. On their first meeting, dashing Colonel Charles Audley proposes to her, but even their betrothal doesn't calm her wild behavior. Finally, with the Battle of Waterloo raging just miles away, civilians fleeing and the wounded pouring back into the town, Lady Barbara discovers where her heart really lies, and like a true noblewoman, she rises to the occasion, and to the demands of love, life and war...Wonderful characters, elegant, witty writing, perfectperiod detail, and rapturously romantic. Georgette Heyerachieves what the rest of us only aspire to.-KATIE FFORDE


Georgette Heyer

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781402210075

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