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Short-Straw Bride

Author Karen Witemeyer

Format Paperback

Publisher Bethany House Publishers

Category Christian Fiction

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Lighthearted Historical Romance From a Rising StarNo one steps on Archer land. Not if they value their life. But when Meredith Hayes overhears a lethal plot to burn the Archer brothersoff their ranch, a twelve-year-old debt compels her to take the risk.Fourteen years of constant vigilance hardens a man. Yet when Travis Archer confronts a female trespasser with the same vivid blueeyes as the courageous young girl he once aided, he can't bring himself to send her away. And when an act of sacrifice leaves her injured and her reputation in shreds, gratitude and guilt send him riding to her rescue once again.Four brothers. Four straws. One bride. Despite the fact that Travis is no longer the gallant youth Meredith once dreamed about, she determines to stand by his side against the enemy that threatens them both. But will love ever be hers? Or will Travis always see her merely as a short-straw bride?


Karen Witemeyer

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780764209659

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