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Knowing God's Word: Women of Faith Study Guide Series

Author WomenofFaith

Format Paperback

Publisher Thomas Nelson

Category Bible Study

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Many women find reading the Scriptures to be a daunting prospect, let alone actually studying them. Questions arise. Is studying the Bible different from reading it? Why do we study God's Word? How do you study God's Word? Knowing God's Word will prepare women to approach the Bible with confidence and excitement.Reaching an audience across racial, socio-economic, denominational, and age boundaries, these guides will enhance the lives of women as they empower them in their weekly devotions. The study guides can be used for both individual and group settings. Women are asking good questions about their faith. With our study guides, we want to join them in their quest for knowledge and lead them in finding the answers they are seeking.



Additional Info

  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780785252627

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