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Praying the Bible for Your Children

Author Heather Kopp

Format Hardcover

Publisher WaterBrook Press

Category Prayer and Devotion

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You may not have heard of "praying the Bible," but that doesn't mean that concept is new. In fact, for centuries men and women have prayed the promises of the Bible back to God. One of the greatest reasons is that there is tremendous power in praying God's truths back to him. But perhaps most of all, we "pray the Bible" because our hearts are radically changed when we focus on the desires of God and the magnificent truths in his Word. Here are just a few of the many more reasons we should pray the Bible. When we mine the gold of God's Word and enrich our prayers with Scripture...We remind ourselves of what God has said and are able to claim his promises.We avoid the trap of praying "the same old thing." Our prayer vocabulary is stretched and our prayers enlarged as we claim truths that are already settled in heaven. We come to a more complete understanding of who God is and how he works in our lives.We are able to more fully and lovingly express our thankfulness to the Lord.We openly agree with God's truth, allowing it to change us and those we love.We are rescued from our human limitations. Claiming Bible truths keeps us from reducing God to our own small human expectations.We shift the focus of our prayers from human needs and feelings to God's character, his promises, his past faithfulness, his goodness, and even his extravagances with us. We are assured that our prayers lie within, and affirm, God's will.As a parent, you want your prayers to have an impact on the lives of your children. But how can you know that they will? What are some of the most vital things you should pray for? How can you claim God's glorious promises for your kids? In Praying the Bible for Your Children, you'll find the answers to these questions, along with powerful, Scripture-based prayers that will show you how to communicate more assuredly, more fervently, and more effectively with the Lord. Most importantly, your prayer life will be forever changed as you come to pray on a richer, more intimate level to the One who loves your children most of all.


Heather Kopp

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1998-03-01
  • Publisher: WaterBrook Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781578560097

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