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DK Classics: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Author Jules Verne

Format Hardcover


Category Kids Classics

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The adventure begins when Professor Aronnax accidentally becomes a prisoner of the very monster he is seeking to destroy -- the submarine Nautilus, commanded by the mysterious Captain Nemo. Invited to experience the marvels of the Nautilus' magnificent undersea world, Arronnax struggles to piece together Nemo's tragic past. This exciting retelling captures the essence of Verne's visionary and unforgettable story, while also explaining the fascinating facts and fantasies of Captain Nemo's marvelous ocean realm. A unique cross-section of the Nautilus, color photographs, diagrams, and narrative illustrations explore Verne's unique vision and knowledge of the deep.


Jules Verne

Additional Info

  • Publisher: DK CHILDREN
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780789434289

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