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Golding's the Lord of the Flies (Cliffs Notes)

Author Maureen Kelly

Format Paperback

Publisher Cliffs Notes

Category Classic Fiction

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CliffsNotes on Lord of the Flies takes you on an exploration of William Golding's novel to the dark side of humanity, the savagery that underlies even the most civilized human beings. Follow Golding's group of young boys from hope to disaster and watch as they attempt to survive their uncivilized, unsupervised, and isolated environment. You can rely on CliffsNotes on Lord of the Flies for character analyses, insightful essays, and chapter-by-chapter commentaries to ensure your safe passage through the rich symbolism of this novel.


Maureen Kelly

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Cliffs Notes
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780764585975
  • UPC: 785555026407

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