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The Jesus Who Never Lived: Exposing False Christs and Finding the Real Jesus

Author Wayne House

Format Paperback

Publisher Harvest House Publishers

Category Jesus Christ

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Biblical scholar Wayne House uncovers the various depictions of Jesus in the unorthodox communities within early Christianity, in other religions, and within Western civilization today. He shows readers that the Jesus who presented Himself in history can be correctly known only through the documents written by eyewitnesses of the Christ and by those who were disciples of those eyewitnesses, documents that were attested by the early church and became a part of the New Testament canon. Among the false Christs exposed by The Jesus Who Never Lived are: the good but powerless Jesus of world religions the less than fully God Jesus of the cults of Christianity the mystical and even sensual Jesus of Hollywood and popular media To believe in these false Christs is to believe a lie. But as readers discover the real Jesus, they will find the One who is the truth and the life and the only way to the Father.


Wayne House

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780736923217

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