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A Young Woman's Walk with God: Growing More Like Jesus

Author Elizabeth George

Format Paperback

Publisher Harvest House Publishers

Category Christian Living

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Elizabeth George, author of A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart (more than 150,000 copies sold), offers another life–changing teen book—A Young Woman’s Walk with God. Christian teens long to please God, but peer pressure, school activities, and physical changes make godly qualities such as patience, kindness, and self–control hard to develop. The good news is that by focusing on God, girls can live the fruit of the Spirit. Then they’ll be able to— put on a positive attitude daily have peace regardless of circumstances experience joy even during difficulties Faithfulness and gentleness come as teens walk with Jesus and express His love to those around them.


Elizabeth George

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780736916530

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