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Undaunted: One Man's Real-Life Journey from Unspeakable Memories to Unbelievable Grace

Author Josh McDowell

Format Paperback

Publisher Tyndale Momentum

Category Christian Biography

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Undaunted—both the book and an upcoming movie—chronicles the riveting true story of a young farm boy named Josh who carried unspeakable memories of an alcoholic father and a farmhand’s abuse, causing him to defy God’s existence. Yet God redeemed a horrible situation with his unbelievable grace. Today Josh McDowell is one of the most popular evangelists in the world who defends the reality of Jesus Christ to millions through his presentations and classic book More Than a Carpenter. Undaunted unfolds the dramatic spiritual transformation in Josh’s life when he faces his past head-on and puts everything entirely in God’s hands. The result is an undaunted faith, a gift freely offered to everyone who seeks it.


Josh McDowell

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781414371221

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