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New Kind of Church, A: Understanding Models of Ministry for the 21st Century

Author Aubrey Malphurs

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Books

Category Church Development

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There is no shortage of books these days on new ways of "doing church." New church models have been both warmly embraced and roundly criticized. What are church leaders and others concerned about the state of the church to make of all this? Does the Bible prescribe a standard model for doing church? Or is there freedom within certain guidelines? In A New Kind of Church, respected church consultant Aubrey Malphurs addresses these important questions and suggests that there is room for new ways of doing ministry while being true to Scripture. In the process, he offers a theological and interpretive framework for evaluating any church model, new or old. He also offers suggestions for implementing change in the local church.


Aubrey Malphurs

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801091896

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