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The Best Question Ever: Learning to Foolproof Your Life - Study Guide

Author Andy Stanley

Format Paperback

Publisher Multnomah Books

Category Baseball

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Can a Simple Question Foolproof Your Life? When it comes to sorting out the complexities of life, only wisdom can reveal the best path. Let's face it - we've all made some pretty dumb decisions in our lives. For most of us, there are chapters in the past we would like to rewrite. There's money we wish we had never spent, relationships we wish we had never started, and perhaps a few invitations we wish we had never accepted. Unfortunately, we can't do anything to reverse the bad decisions of the past. But there is certainly no reason to repeat them either. This six-part DVD and study guide focuses our attention on one crucial question that has the power to goof-proof our decision making from this point forward.


Andy Stanley

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-12-11
  • Publisher: Multnomah Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781590524626

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