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Ramage's Diamond (Series Starter, Lord Ramage #7)


Author Dudley Pope

Format Paperback

Publisher McBooks Press

Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

The youngest captain in His Majesty's Navy, with a reputation for landing impossible assignments, Lord Ramage is dispatched to the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Diamond Rock. The mission seems humdrum: barricade the French within Fort Royal. But sent to sea in the Juno with a crew grown restless and undisciplined under the prior command of a drunk, Ramage realizes his vessel may not be up to battle with the French.


Dudley Pope

Additional Info

  • Publisher: McBooks Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780935526899
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
138548 Very Good Warehouse 66-19-3 $6.99 Add to Cart